eMortal is a thought provoking science fiction novel that explores the concept of sentience in AI.
Olivia has entered a prestigious coding competition where the contestants must develop an artificial intelligence that will have a week to complete a set of challenges. Each challenge is designed to pass through to another of Paiget's five stages of development.
The story is delivered through the dual narrative of Olivia, the developer, and Brek, her AI.
With Olivia we follow her home life and her disconnect with her mother who doesn't understand her passion for coding. Olivia's mother has her own shattered dreams to contend with.
I found Brek's narration a lot more engrossing as he starts to evolve, questioning the challenges and the purpose of what he is doing. As Brek becomes more self-aware he questions his reality and mortality, forcing Olivia to face what she has created and the morality of it.
Steve Schafer really pulled me into the story and had me fully invested in Brek's situation, raising questions of existence. Who am I? Why am I here? Can an AI learn and develop emotions or are they simply programmable reactions?
I really enjoyed eMortal and it was great to delve into a story that was completely out of my normal reading range.
A gifted programmer, an extremely likable coded character and a twist that had my head spinning all made eMortal a story not to be missed.
My rating 4 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Publisher: Koehler Books
Publication date: 19th November 2024
Genre: Science Fiction
Pages: 346
Source: eCopy courtesy of the author
Other books by Steve Schafer
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