Wish You Were Here
Sheridan Jobbins
Publisher: Affirm Press
Publication date: 1st September 2017
Pages: 345
Format Read: eBook
Source: Courtesy of the publisher via Netgalley
Reeling from the
devastating collapse of her marriage to the man she thought was the love
of her life, after a late night enjoying smashing all her china a
little too much, Sheridan Jobbins decides she needs to do something
drastic to save her sanity.
Her solution is to buy a hot red car
and drive across America. Hopelessly unprepared and heartbroken, she
sets out on the road trip of a lifetime determined to find herself – and
ironically finds love instead. But not before she has a whole bunch of
crazy adventures and wrong turns along the way.
Every woman with a
heart and a sense of humour will want jump on board this unforgettable
ride – and it’s the best antidote for anyone who’s ever had her heart
broken and thought she might not survive.'
‘In this moment I am
perfect. I am free to be whoever I want, and all I want to be is a woman
in a red spotty dress, speeding into her future in a shiny red car.’
Wish You Were Here is a heart-felt
memoir filled with pathos and wry humour.
utter despair when her husband announces he doesn’t want to be married anymore
Jobbins concocts a crazy plan to drive across America Thelma & Louise style.
never been much of a memoir reader. I tend to find them slow going and I find
the first person past tense narration hard to get into.
I did love about the story is Jobbins’ candour. She opens up to her readers and
pours out all her dashed hopes and her fears. The story tells like a travelogue
across America with humorous and sometimes life affirming situations occurring
across the country as Jobbins travels from LA to Colorado, Nebraska and
Pennsylvania via numerous wrong turns dropping in on an eclectic group friends
and relatives along the way.
you’ve ever felt like life has let you down and you just need to break free and
find yourself again Wish You Were Here
is the read for you.
My Rating 6/10
*this review is part of the Book Lover Book Review Aussie author challenge
and book #12 in the Australian Women Writers challenge
Photo credit: Affirm Press |
Born in Melbourne, Sheridan Jobbins is a third generation Australian
film maker. She kickstarted her career as one of the original celebrity
chefs on Cooking with Sheri, earning a Guinness World Record as the youngest host of her own show at the age of nine.
She was presenter on numerous TV programs, including
Simon Townsend’s Wonder World! and
Good Morning Australia. She was a director of the film company Latent Image Productions which produced the award-winning film
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
Since 2000 she has co-written screenplays with director Stephan Elliott
for Disney, Warner Bros, Working Title, Hopscotch and Ealing Studios.
She has published numerous short stories and articles, and mentors other screenwriters on her website www.scriptwhisperer.com.