About the author
a childhood spent writing her first books, most notably, Our Book about Jesus – a
self-help guide for fellow young Catholics, and, The Sleepover – a
compelling tale of a midnight feast, shockingly intercepted by fictitious
parents with badly drawn hands, Patricia Caliskan always liked to play with
first saw her name misspelt in print aged 17, interviewing hungover rock stars
and illegible actors for an Arts
and Entertainment magazine. After graduating from the
University of Liverpool, Patricia joined Trinity Mirror Newsgroup, working as
editor across a portfolio of lifestyle magazine titles.
likes a good pair of boots, wearing perfume with her pyjamas, and laughter.
Lots of laughter. Because without it life feels far too
grown up for her liking. Told with mischievous humour, Patricia’s stories
explore family dynamics, office politics, and the divergent roles of women
throughout their lives.
Girlfriend, Interrupted is Patricia’s
second novel: her first, Awful by
Comparison, will be reissued by Sapere Books this summer.
So, let's get started and find out a little more about Patricia and her writing.
Hello Patricia, thank you for joining us.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Hello! Thanks for having me over! I write
Comedy Romance novels. My first was Awful by Comparison, and my latest,
Girlfriend, Interrupted, is out now. I write about Relationships, Family
dynamics, and Office politics.
What inspires you to write?
The thought of taking my readers on riotous
adventures, set within backdrops they recognise, and situations with which they
can emphasise. That sounds quite promising, doesn’t it? I want to create
entertaining escapes, mix in a little mischief, plenty to think about, and
introduce them to a great bunch of characters. When I’m flagging on my final
draft, those are the thoughts to take me across the finish line.
What is a typical writing day for you?
A typical writing day for me, looks like
writing through the night. I've always been slightly nocturnal, that's when I
seem to get a flurry of ideas and energy. During the night, I can be totally
focused on my novel. I have a 4 a.m. cut-off, and if I feel I’ve had a
productive night, I wake up completely zooped to read and edit the work.
Where is your favourite place to write?
I have a writing room, which is really
peaceful and lovely, but also a few specs I gravitate towards. My latest
project is basically happening in the kitchen, so there’s been a lot of snack
breaks with this one. I have an old, leather recliner, I like to eat breakfast
and edit in.
Do you have any writing rituals or good
luck charms?
I drink coffee on-tap, and usually have my
head-phones on the go with a playlist. No rituals, as such, but I light scented
candles in the evenings. I’ve got Bourbon and Vanilla candles on my desk at the
moment. They signify Writing time. That's about as ceremonial as I get.
What authors, genres do you like to read?
It's pretty varied. I read Contemporary and
Literary fiction. Some is research-based in Psychology, Philosophy,
Spirituality. Biographies are a treat, as are books about the Film industry. My
latest discovery in Contemporary Fiction is Taylor Jenkins Reid. I love Rebecca
Miller and Helen Walsh’s work. I’ll always read the latest from Megan Abbott,
Anne Tyler, Jane Green, Candace Bushnell, Jay McInerney and David Nicholls,
because you’re guaranteed a great, satisfying read.
What are you currently reading?
Bright, Precious Days, the last of the
Manhattan trilogy, by Jay McInerney. I'm also re-reading some Arthur Miller, a
selection of Eckhart Tolle, and a great, coffee table buy, The Body Book by
Cameron Diaz, which is basically a Home essential for anyone female or with
How did you come up with the idea for
Girlfriend, Interrupted?
I wanted to write a kind of coming-of-age
novel for Relationships. That moment when Romance collides with Reality,
whatever shape that takes, felt like a fun place to write my way out of. The
idea of twenty-something, Ella, becoming a step-parent as a full-stop to her
Single years, was influenced by my own experiences. Ella also finds her career
shifting up a gear, and is trying to succeed at home, while needing to perform
at work. Her life has drifted from pleasing herself, to focusing on greater
emotional and practical responsibilities to other people. There’s a colourful
troupe of characters in the mix, all with a sense of duality in their personas.
It was a big mess of fun to write.
Your book is filled with humorous
situations; How important is humour to you in your everyday life?
I didn't set out to write Comedy, but my
interior monologue has always been slightly off-kilter. I enjoy making people
laugh and lightening the mood. Life is bitter-sweet and utterly ludicrous. The
best way I’ve found to approach it, is by making the most of those moments,
when we don’t have to take things too seriously. After my first book was
published, hearing readers say I’d made them laugh, or describing characters
and scenes with smiles on their faces, was an incredibly lovely feeling.
What’s next for Patricia Caliskan? Do you
have a new WIP?
My third book is set in the fictitious
suburbs of Fernleigh, and tells the stories of a great group of women in the
midst of marriage. I hope you’re going to love them.
Thank you for stopping by and spending
some time with us on The Burgeoning
My pleasure. Let’s do it again!

A sparkling and hilarious romantic comedy! Perfect for fans of Jo Watson, Gill Sims and Kirsty Greenwood…
What do you do when the love of your life is already somebody else’s dad…?
Brown-eyed, brunette, 25.
Enjoys walking barefoot across shards of broken home. Likes loaded silences, resentment and insomnia. Dislikes romantic weekends, lie-ins and any chance of future happiness.
Former GSOH. Developing PTSD.
Ella Shawe was undomesticated, unattached and uninhibited.
Until she met Dan.
Sexy, charming and funny, Dan ticked all the right boxes and Ella threw herself head-first into the whirlwind romance.
But now she’s moved into his family home, complete with two demanding children and a hyperactive dog.
Throw in Dan’s impossibly perfect ex-wife, Ella’s interfering sex therapist mother and the snooty and dismissive mother-in-law from Hell, and Ella is almost ready to throw in the towel.
But, ready or not, Ella is part of the family now, and getting it right for Dan’s kids means getting it right for everyone. She just needs to figure out how to include herself in the mix…
Girlfriend, Interrupted will have you laughing-out-loud, gasping in embarrassment and rooting for Ella all the way. This British romantic comedy is packed full of humour and has a delightful contemporary heroine at its heart.
*Patricia’s novel Girlfriend, Interrupted is
published by Sapere Books and can be purchased here
Check out the other posts and reviews on the Girlfriend, Interrupted blog tour.