Don't Let the Beasties Escape This Book
Julie Berry
Illustrated by April Lee
Publisher: Getty Publications
Expected Publication date: 10th September 2019
Pages: 36
RRP: $17.99US
Format read: Hardcover
Source: Courtesy of the publisher

Young Godfrey and his family toil for the lord and lady of the castle. But when Godfrey stumbles upon an unfinished Book of Beasts, it's spectacular pictures of animals make him forget his chores. He invents the story of a brave knight, Sir Godfrey the Glorious, who battles ferocious creatures.
But who's doing the work while Godfrey daydreams? Who feeds the chickens, spreads the straw, harvests the pears, rakes the leaves and sets the supper fire ablaze?

Berry takes us into the heart of thirteenth century medieval England where
young Godfrey sits in the yard surrounded by the castle walls. His mother, a
maidservant, tells him he will need to help out with chores. Godfrey is known
to forget his chores while he drifts off into his own imaginative world with
the noble knight Sir Godfrey.
artist is in residence painting a Book of Beasts for the lady of the castle.
Godfrey spies the book and decides to look through the paintings as he tells a
fanciful story about the beasts in the book and how his imaginary Sir Godfrey
battles them. It just so happens this is a magical book and when Godfrey names
the beasts (lion, unicorn, dragon etc) they come to life from the pages. As
Godfrey continues his story each beast escapes and gets up to mischief behind
Godfrey’s back. As they play they inadvertently complete Godfrey’s chores for
story ends with all the beasts hiding in Godfrey’s home until the artist comes
and zaps them all back into the book.
is the most adorable introduction to medieval beasts I have seen. It arrived in
my mail box at a very fortuitous time as Dot, who generally loves all things
scary, has recently become concerned about monsters being real. Reading Don’t Let the Beasties Escape This Book
was the perfect opportunity to explain how these beasts were made up from
people’s imagination and altered information. There was no internet back then and a lot
of people couldn’t read or have the opportunity to travel so it is easy to see
how a sighting of a rhinoceros in Africa could morph into a Unicorn by the time
the news got back to England.
story portrays the beasts in a fun and whimsical way as they get up to mischief
behind Godfrey’s back. The illustrations are a story within themselves and
bring a new element of entertainment to the story as we see the yard animals
reactions to the beasts arrival.
would recommend this book for any child 3+years. Dot was enthralled by the
whole story whilst Jay age 3 was more interested in the vivid illustrations
and loved the hide and seek with the beasties at the end.
book also contains engaging backmatter with information on life in the Middle
Ages and a mini-bestiary drawn from original 13th Century
manuscripts along with typical legends and lore.
big thank you to Getty Publications for my hardback copy. I am sure this will become a treasured
addition to our home library.
Rated by Dot & Jay 5/5

About the illustrator:
April Lee is an illustrator, character animator, and 2D special effects animator who works for several major television and film studios. Her animated e-book The Dragon and the Pixies earned honorable mentions at the London Book Festival and the Los Angeles Book Festival.
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